Meet Robert M. Haines

Build a Better Business.
Create a Better Life.

Advisory Board & Coaching for Business Owners.

Achieve financial freedom and professional success through proven processes, proprietary business tools, and world-class accountability.

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There comes a point where you need to commit to being a better business owner.

Are you tired and not as healthy as you need to be?

Are you spending enough quality time with family and friends?

Are you trying to figure out everything on your own?

There is a better way.

Let me show you what works for other business owners:

  • Create a crystal-clear vision of your personal and professional success. What does your best life look like to you? What are you working so hard to achieve?
  • Uncover hidden challenges and limiting beliefs that may be sabotaging your life and your business.
  • Focus on what really matters and simplify your actions and efforts to achieve bigger results with less effort.

Your mind, your body, and your business are working together. Discover how to optimize them to accelerate your success.

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Welcome to your boardroom.

If you are tired of trying to figure things out on your own, I invite you to reap the same benefits that company executives receive from their boards of directors.

  • Harness the shared wisdom of other business owners and receive immediate feedback on how to improve your business.
  • Improve your self-awareness and uncover the hidden blind spots in your business.
  • Learn from an exclusive group of business leaders who are 100% committed to your success. They will ask you the tough questions that no one else will ask. They will also share their collective wisdom and accelerate you toward your goals.
  • Experience increased confidence and improved understanding of yourself and your business that results from honest, confidential, and refreshingly authentic feedback and insights from peer business leaders.
  • Hold yourself and others accountable to commitments that will change your life and your business.

Robert has been an outstanding mentor, coach, and consultant to both my professional practice and the separate business I own. His contributions to our great successes these past several years are substantial. I unreservedly recommend him.

Roy Eiguren, Eiguren | Merrill Public Policy Firm

Achieve your
dreams faster.

Why reinvent the wheel when someone else already has?

Instead of researching how to improve marketing, sales, operations, financial management, employee retention and development, technology for business, planning systems and processes, let me and our board show you what works already, and help you adapt it to your business.

Honestly, I don't know where I would be as a business owner without The Alternative Board. I have learned so much through Robert and other business owners alike. There hasn't been 1 time where I haven't felt like I've learned something useful.

Heather Hooglander | Treasure Valley Solutions

How we work together.


Put a Stake in the Ground.

We establish where you are now – mentally, physically, financially. We put a virtual stake in the ground that says, “You are here.” You may not like where you are now, but you have to look at reality before you can take the first steps to improve. There is no judgment here…just acceptance and understanding of you and your business.


See Clearly.

Clarify your visions for yourself and your business. “What do you want?” Too often people muddle through the answer to that question. Let’s not muddle – let’s find clarity.


Build the Action Plan.

Let’s build the path and action plan to get you from where you are to where want to go.


Peer Wisdom and Accountability.

Join business leaders and peer advisors in a monthly board meeting to evaluate your challenges and opportunities and develop customized solutions and next steps for you and your business. Who holds you accountable now? When was the last time you committed to do something to improve yourself and your business and it never happened? Accountability isn’t a bad word…it’s the not-so-secret sauce of success.


Use Tools that Really Work.

Use powerful business tools and proprietary systems that are proven to work. Don’t reinvent the system – use one that has already helped other business leaders achieve success.


Connect with a Community that Cares.

Let me connect you with other business owners around the country and around the world who are working to solve, or have already solved, the same problems you are trying to solve. Our community of business leaders is 100% invested in each other’s success.


Enjoy Freedom and Success.

Make your business work for you. From profit to prosperity, you will finally connect with why you started your business in the first place. Love your business again.

Going above and beyond.

As a The Alternative Board (TAB) certified coach and board facilitator, I offer exclusive access to these services:

Personalized 1:1 Coaching

Who are you? What do you want? This isn’t just about business––this is your life.

We’ll dive into deep conversations to bring clarity to the bigger picture, so you can perform with greater focus, self-awareness, productivity, and happiness.

Business Builder’s Blueprint

Develop greater insight into decision-making processes and skills with this proprietary online business operating system.

Be more strategic with your time, energy and resources, and lead your employees to greater performance.


We accelerate the success of new business owners and entrepreneurs. This unique program provides business education, small group coaching, and monthly mastermind groups.

This program is specifically designed for new business owners and entrepreneurs to help build a solid business foundation from the beginning.


Strategy and productivity for Senior Leadership teams.

Achieve better alignment within your leadership team, make decisions faster, resolve conflicts, and make a massive impact across all your initiatives.

Your business will never outperform you.

I know it. I’ve been there.

I had the tools and community, but I was not focused on the right mission. My relationships around me suffered while I continued to work longer and harder than I needed to.

I was eager to make an impact in this world. I wanted to make more money. You don’t have to wait like I did to make a big change in your life.

It’s time to commit to yourself to be the best business owner that you can be. If you improve yourself, you will improve your business. Don’t continue to wonder if you will achieve your dreams, change the narrative in your head to “how big and how soon” will you achieve them.

Take that vacation, spend more precious moments with your family, build memories that last forever, live a healthier lifestyle, and be more involved in your community. Make generational wealth. Live with a greater vision and know that you made the greatest impact you could in this life. It starts now.

I can't recommend Robert enough. He has a sharp business mind, his ethics are beyond reproach, and he's a joy to partner with. I think of him as being an extension of my business and I know he thinks of my business and me the same way. If you're considering partnering with Robert, it's truly a no-brainer."

Blake Ewing | Farmer's Insurance

Subscribe to Mind, Body & Business Tips.

Improving your business begins with improving your outlook. You’ll get tips on...

Mastering personal development, outlook, and vision
Managing stress and life-work harmony
Creating resilient personal relationships (that don’t suffer from your business)
Maintaining your passions in life, outside the office
How spirituality can be a tool in hard times
and many more tips...

Subscribe to Mind, Body & Business Tips

An Air Force veteran, combat pilot, proven business executive, and survivor.

I have faced fear face-to-face…and won. I’ve conquered feelings of insecurity and limited self-worth. I’ve traveled to the edge of space multiple times and I’ve seen our world from a different perspective.

I’ve survived a “fatal” accident that completely changed my life. I didn’t do all these things alone, and neither should you.

Find me on social media.

More about TAB

What if an organization existed that is 100% focused on small business owners, that offers a minimum 300% return on a monthly investment, with a no-risk guarantee? What if this organization could help business owners build better businesses, increase their confidence and business acumen, help them clarify their goals, create better systems and processes, improve their focus, and reduce their stress?  What if they also had more time and money to enjoy life?  Well, this organization does exist, and it is called The Alternative Board (TAB). And we help business owners like you every day, and we’ve been doing this for 30 years.

Business owners are dedicated, hard-working, committed people who do their best to build a business and create a better life. They work hard to do the best they can with the knowledge they have. But like any professional, they only know what they know and often may not know what they should know to build a better business.

TAB understands that large companies have a board of directors for a reason.  Most executives understand that their knowledge and experience are limited and that by surrounding themselves with other experienced business leaders, they can leverage their collective wisdom and experience to make better decisions.  They will also improve their assessment of business opportunities and accelerate their success by having a group of business leaders that holds them accountable for doing what they say they will do.  

When business owners work with TAB, they benefit from having a board of peer advisors and an experienced coach, and magic happens. They have a trusted and confidential group of local business leaders to help them think critically about challenges and opportunities, to offer them advice and suggestions, and to hold them accountable for commitments they make to themselves.